Spectacular routes
Axarquia - La Ruta de la Pasa

Raisin route (green in the map on the left). Open views over huge distances, over deep, cultivated valleys and towards the massive Sierras de Tejeda, Almijara and Alhama in the east. Sometime in september/october one may see how the collected grapes are hung to be dried in peculiar structures (see pic below) in open air.
This is not a mountain road. There is nothing dramatic on the route. It runs quite smoothly up and down rolling hills which are covered with vineyards, olive groves and almond trees.
It is worth driving up from Benamargosa to Comares for a coffe or tapas. Comares has a nicely set up garden on the top of the hill, where a moorish Alcazaba once stood. The site of the mostly vanished castle is impressive.

Near Cútar. The traditional structures for drying grape-bunches in late autumn.